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Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /*
00002 PeRdr - PE file disassembler
00003 Copyright (C) 1999-2002 Frediano Ziglio
00004 -----
00006 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
00007 it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
00008 the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
00009 (at your option) any later version.
00011 This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
00012 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
00014 GNU General Public License for more details.
00016 You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
00017 along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
00018 Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
00019 -----
00022   www:
00023   e-mail:
00024 */
00025 #ifndef FILE_PARAM_H
00026 #define FILE_PARAM_H
00028 #include "registers.h"
00029 #include "relocationinfo.h"
00031 // class per paramentro
00032 // registro, costante o memoria
00033 // memoria: [costante], [reg], [reg+costante] [reg+reg*n], [reg+reg*n+costante]
00034 // se non c'e' costante mettere 0
00035 class Param
00036 {
00037 public:
00038 #ifdef DEBUG
00039   void InitInvalid();
00040   void CheckValid();
00041 #endif
00042   enum TCRegistry   { Registry };
00043   enum TCLiteral    { Literal  };
00044   enum TCFarLiteral { FarLiteral  };
00045   enum TCMemory     { Memory   };
00046   enum Types { t_registry, t_literal, t_memory, t_farliteral };
00047   typedef enum MemoryTypes {
00048 #define DEFINE_MEMTYPE(name,size) name,
00049 #define DEFINE_MEMTYPEI(name,size) name = 0,
00050 #include "memtype.h"
00051 #undef DEFINE_MEMTYPE
00052 #undef DEFINE_MEMTYPEI
00053     memTypeCount
00054   } MemoryTypes;
00055 //  std::string GetString() const;
00056   enum Types GetType() const { return type; };
00057   Param():relocation(NULL) {};
00058   // costruttori per registro
00059   Param(enum TCRegistry dummy,reg_t reg);
00060   // costruttori per letterali (costanti)
00061   Param(enum TCLiteral dummy,int _literal,unsigned char _size=0);
00062   // costruttori per letterali (costanti)
00063   Param(enum TCFarLiteral dummy,int _literal,unsigned char _size,int segment);
00064   // costruttori per memoria
00065   Param(enum TCMemory dummy,int address,MemoryTypes memType = memNone);
00066   Param(enum TCMemory dummy,reg_t reg,int address=0,MemoryTypes memType = memNone);
00067   Param(enum TCMemory dummy,reg_t reg1,reg_t reg2,int address=0,unsigned char multiplier=1,MemoryTypes memType = memNone);
00069 //protected:
00070 public:
00071   bool RegEqual(const Param& rhs) const
00072   { return type == t_registry && rhs.type == t_registry && mem_reg1 == rhs.mem_reg1; }
00073 //  bool operator==();
00074   reg_t mem_reg1; // null_reg if not present, set if type registry
00075   reg_t mem_reg2; // null_reg if not present
00076   int literal; // 0 if not present
00077   const Relocation* relocation;  // informazioni rilocazione relative a literal
00078   enum Types type;
00079   unsigned char factor; // if mem_reg2 set
00080   unsigned char GetSize() const;
00081   unsigned char GetLiteralSize() const
00082   {
00083     _PRG_ASSERT( type == t_literal || type == t_farliteral );
00084     return sm.size;
00085   };
00086   unsigned GetMemSize() const
00087   {
00088     _PRG_ASSERT( type == t_memory );
00089     _PRG_ASSERT( unsigned(sm.memType&0x7F) < memTypeCount );
00090     return memTypeSizes[sm.memType&0x7F];
00091   };
00092   void SetMemType(MemoryTypes _memType,bool bWriteSize = true)
00093   {
00094     _PRG_ASSERT( type == t_memory );
00095     _PRG_ASSERT( unsigned(_memType) < memTypeCount );
00096     _PRG_ASSERT( memTypeCount < 128 );
00097     sm.memType = (unsigned char)_memType;
00098     if (!bWriteSize)
00099       sm.memType |= 0x80;
00100   };
00101   bool MustWriteMemSize() const
00102   {
00103     _PRG_ASSERT( type == t_memory );
00104     return (sm.memType & 0x80) == 0;
00105   }
00106 private:
00107   union {
00108   unsigned char size; // 0 if unspecified
00109   unsigned char memType;
00110   } sm;
00111   static unsigned memTypeSizes[memTypeCount];
00112 };
00114 class RegParam: public Param
00115 {
00116 public:
00117   RegParam(reg_t reg);
00118 };
00120 class LiteralParam: public Param
00121 {
00122 public:
00123   LiteralParam(int _literal,unsigned char _size=0);
00124 };
00126 class MemoryParam: public Param
00127 {
00128 public:
00129   MemoryParam(int address,unsigned char size=0);
00130   MemoryParam(reg_t reg,int address=0,unsigned char size=0);
00131   MemoryParam(reg_t reg1,reg_t reg2,int address=0,unsigned char multiplier=1,unsigned char size=0);
00132 };
00134 #endif //FILE_PARAM_H

Generated on Mon Jan 13 22:20:34 2003 for perdr by doxygen1.2.15